Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Fleer Baseball Cloth Patches - St. Louis Cardinals

The Cardinals have 4 different City / Logo patch variations. The earliest patch on the top left had an orange border which then turned to yellow:

Later versions of the patch removed the baseball background and the blue circle around the logo. This design can be found with 2 different versions as there is one very subtle difference between the two patches on the bottom.

Take a close look at the cap on the Cardinal:

The bird on the left has a completely red cap while the bird on the right has the STL monogram on the cap.

For the Cap / Team Name patches, there are 2 versions:

The earlier version of the patch has a brighter red background, and thicker lines around the interlocking STL monogram versus the patch on the right.


  1. As with one of the Houston Astros team logo/city name patch, the second team logo/city name patch (upper right hand corner)for St. Louis was also miscut. If you had peeled the logo off (Thankfully not done ;)), St. Louis in the logo would not even appear in that logo. All lines line this -.--..---


  2. I acquired both of these from the same person. I'm guessing they bought a few packs of patches where the die cuts ended up being way off!
