Sunday, August 23, 2009

1988 - 1993 Panini Baseball Logo Stickers

Even though I've finished up my review of Fleer's baseball stickers, I've still got a few other team logo sticker sets yet to cover. Since I just finished reviewing Fleer's last logo sticker sets which were issue in conjunction with Panini back in 1995 & 1996, I thought I'd go back and cover the earlier Panini sets from 1988 through 1993 which also contained team logo stickers (but did not have any involvement from Fleer).

The Panini sticker sets each year consisted of player stickers as well as a sticker album. Team logo stickers were part of the set, and were foil stickers (as opposed to the player stickers which were not).


Panini's first baseball issue included a team logo sticker, a uniform sticker, and a cap emblem / team pennant sticker:


Once again there were 3 different team stickers, but this time there was a logo sticker, a team name, and a stadium sticker:


There were 2 team stickers in 1990 - a logo sticker and a batting helmet sticker. In addition, the winning teams from the 1980 through the 1988 World Series had a World Series Ring sticker. Presumably the design for the 1989 ring wasn't yet ready when the 1990 set went to press, so the 1989 World Champion A's are represented by the World Series trophy instead.


There were 3 different Panini sets in 1991. The regular issue which containted a team logo sticker as well as stickers with 2 team pennants:

A Canadian set (which unfortunately I do not have any scans to show), and another Canadian set entitled "Top 15" which showcased top statistical performers from the previous season. The team stickers in this set honor teams that led in various statistical categories, so not all team logos are represented in this set. As these are Canadian, the text is in both English and French:


Panini used a glitter foil effect for the team logo stickers in 1992:


Panini used a gold foil background for the 1993 logo stickers, and also included uniforms on the 2 new expansion teams from that season (the Rockies and the Marlins):


Panini issued a sticker set in 1994, but there were no team logo stickers.


As I previously reviewed, Panini issued the 1995 set in conjunction with Fleer which once again contained team logos (but dropped the foil background):


And they once again teamed up with Fleer in 1996 (and brought back the foil):

1996 was the last baseball sticker set that Panini issued in the US. They issued baseball sticker sets in Venezuela in 1997 and 1998, although it does not appear that team logo stickers were included in those sets.

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