Saturday, June 11, 2011

Half Way to 1 Million!

The blog hit a major milestone this past week as the stat counter passed the 500,000 page view mark!

I certainly never would have imagined the amount of interest in the site, but hitting the 500,000 mark earlier this week completely blows me away.
When I decided to start the blog to catalog all the variations I had found over the years among the various Fleer sticker/patch/quiz card/iron ons/etc., I never would have thought that I'd still be posting more than 3 years later and have so many people stopping by to take a look.

It is extremely rewarding to see that there are other people who are interested in reading what I am interested in researching and writing about.

I'd like to say a sincere Thank You to everyone who follows the blog or just stops by to read a particular post about something that interests them. Seeing that people are reading the blog and posting comments is why I am still posting even after I've covered just about every possible Fleer issue that I could possibly research.

I'd also like to thank a number of people who have contributed to the blog over the years who have helped me with researching a number of the items, and allowed me to share that information on the blog:

Craig - for his wealth of information regarding Fleer stickers and his generous contributions of images for items that I did not have in my collection (as well as some great trades that helped me acquire many of the Fleer items that you've seen pictured!)

Steve - for his help with a number of different NFL related items that he has come across in his years of collecting and writing The Cowboys Guide (and some great trades as well!)

Dave - from the amazing The Topps Archives for help on some of the Topps sets I've covered.

Troy - for the great information he shared with me from hobby publications from the late 1960's through the late 1970's that I covered in the series of posts called The Troy Files. The information Troy provided answered a number of questions I had about some of the Fleer releases during that time period.

Randy - for sharing some of the items from his Cardinals collection to compliment some of the sets that I had covered.

Finally, I'd also like to give a huge Thanks to Paul Lukas, whose fantastic Uni Watch has linked to the site on so many occasions, and has helped provide incredible visibility to the blog. I really appreciate the number of times Paul has linked to something I've posted on the Uni Watch News
Ticker and the many kind things that Paul has said about The Fleer Sticker Project.

Thanks to everyone for helping me reach this this very gratifying milestone!


  1. Wow! Congrats. That's a lot of clicks!

  2. Congrats, sir, that's a great achievement! It must take time and effort assembling all your research and scans. I know my blog's pointed to you on several occasions as "the real story" on Fleer's many sets, so thanks again for being that go-to resource.
