When I first started collecting baseball cards in the mid '70s, baseball cards didn't carry team logos. Topps had not put team logos on cards since 1965, and it wouldn't be until 1983 when they would show up on Fleer cards, and then the following year on the back of Topps cards. So for my first year or two of following baseball, I wasn't familiar with team logos.
At the same time I was getting started on following baseball and collecting baseball cards, I also started reading comics. For Christmas one year (probably 1975), I received some old comics from the late 60's - early 70's. A few of those comics carried an ad like this:

Here's a closer look at the logos:

The ad above appeared in the September 1970 issue of Green Lantern # 79. It undoubtedly appeared in many other issues as well as I remember seeing it many times in different issues, and I even remember cutting out the ad for the logos to keep with my baseball card collection.
I recently came across the ad, and seeing it reminded me that this was the first time I remember seeing all the MLB team logos in one place, so I thought I'd post it, and see if anyone else remembers the ad as well.
As for Fleer logo stickers, it wouldn't be until a year or so later that I would first come across Fleer Baseball "Grand Slam Hi-Gloss" Stickers in 1977
and get started on what 30 years later became The Fleer Sticker Project, but I'm jumping ahead a bit. I'll cover these in due time as I've still got much to cover from the early to mid '70s first.
Just for fun, the first reader to identify which team is missing from the T-shirt offer will get 10 Fleer Stickers of their favorite team (excluding any teams that joined the league after Fleer stopped producing stickers in 1992). The first person to leave their comments with the correct answer is the winner!
That would have to be the Milwaukee Brewers who were the Seattle Pilots in 1969.
We have a winner! Just shoot me an email with your address and the White Sox stickers will be on their way.
I recall this ad, actually ordered a Cleveland Indians shirt from it. I was 12 at the time and was (and still am) a Giants fan, but really liked the Indians logo. The shirt was made of cheap, thin cotton but I didn't care. It was my pride and joy. Years later I bought an Indians jersey as a form of continuance of the tradition, but that somehow disappeared. Thanks for the memory jog.
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