For each series of Cloth Patches, Fleer produced 2 sets of patches per team (for a total of 4 patches - 2 on each sticker). One sticker contained patches with the city name on top and team logo underneath and the other sticker contained a patch of the cap monogram / logo on the top and the team's name as it appeared on their uniform on the bottom.
For the Braves, the City/Logo patches can be found with 2 variations: the first has the Braves logo in an all white circle and the other has a 2 tone background of white and blue. The all white background is the earlier of the 2 patches.

I am going to refrain from trying to put exact dates on when certain stickers were issued. Since the patches aren't dated and were released over a 9 year timeframe, its difficult in most cases to say when one design ended and another began. In some cases where logos were completely redesigned or when a team moved its possible to identify when the stickers likely changed, but otherwise short of breaking open packs from each year, I can't say for certain which years certain stickers were produced.
I've got a pretty good idea of the order in which the variations would have been released, but I just can't say for certain the exact years a given sticker was produced.
My goal with these posts is to present the known variations so that anyone interested in collecting these either as full sets or for a particular team has an idea of what is available and what to be looking for.
great lil blog ~ keep up the great archiving work ~
Thanks for the note! I'm glad to see that my efforts to catalog these various releases is being enjoyed.
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